How COVID-19 Mortgage Assistance Works

If you’re unable to make your payments due to COVID-19, you may qualify to enroll in a forbearance program to pause your mortgage payments.

It’s important to continue paying your mortgage payments for as long as you can – this will help you pause your payments when you need it most. While in forebearance paying what you can during forebearance will benefit you later by decreasing the amount due at the end of your plan. You can make full or partial payments on your mortgage at any time. 

A forbearance will pause your mortgage payments for three months. After three months, your servicer decide if you need to apply to extend your forbearance. While your payments are paused, we recommend paying what you can to reduce your balance at the end of the program.

When your forbearance ends, you will be required to pay the past-due payments in a lump sum to get back on track immediately.